
The Most Detestable Running Playlist of All Time

Since it’s invention in 1882, humans have done a fantastic job at generating copious amounts of music, and we have absolutely zero intention of stopping. I’d strongly argue, that, out of all the creature that inhabit this planet, they definitely come in the top 10 of all time music producers. The top spot of course goes to whales, those big old boys and girls love a good sing along, god bless the whales, stop putting plastic in their dinner thank you very much. BUT! Is all human music good? Absolutely not. We are fundamentally flawed animals, stop judging us! To prove this therium, I asked the, very unopinionated, Twittersphere to hit me with their most hated popular songs. I then took this scientific research, and made a playlist that absolutely no one wants to listen to. So here it is, in all its shame, The Most Detestable Running Playlist of All Time:

Everyones most hated songs, all in one playlist.